The investment boom has threatened to fuel inflation and bog down the financial sector with bad loans, particularly if people don't move in and bring the promised economic dividend. 这股投资热潮可能会令通胀加剧,并带来坏账,使金融业陷入困境,特别是如果人们不乔迁新城、无法带来承诺中的经济红利的话。
The State will increase financial loans to the region. 加大金融信贷支持。
China Financial Non-Performing Loans Disposal Decision-making Model Research 我国金融不良资产处置决策模型研究
International financial institutions loans. 国际金融组织贷款;
Securitisations are financial products that bundle loans and then sell off slices with different levels of risk. 证券化资产是指将贷款打包、然后根据风险水平切割发售的金融产品。
In some cases, the agent or a related financial institution provided loans to its client. 在若干案件中,有关代理或相关金融机构并向其当事人提供贷款。
Operates as an independent agent in the course of financial negotiations and arranges loans of money on behalf of clients. 在金融谈判期间,作为独立代理为客户操作并进行借贷。
Research on the Control of Financial Risks of Small Loans Companies in China 我国小额贷款公司金融风险预警与控制研究
A breakthrough has been made in financial innovation i.e.cargo-backed loans. 目前,一项金融创新取得突破性进展,物流银行质押贷款业务应运而生。
The first factor affecting financial institution loans is deposits of financial institutions and the second is fixed asset investment; 影响金融机构贷款变动的第一因素是金融机构存款的变化,其次是固定资产投资的变动。
Establishment of Private Banks and the Countermeasures for Financial Loans toward Medium and Small Enterprises in a Transformational Economy 转型经济中民营银行的建立与中小企业融资对策
Determination of the Subject and the Aim of Illegal Possession of the Crime of Defrauding a Financial Institution of Loans 贷款诈骗罪主体及非法占有目的的认定
Such as through the formation of the companies financing, the use of government guarantees for enterprise loans, to the international financial institutions for loans and bonds for on-lending to the central government credit. 如通过组建政府性公司进行融资、利用政府担保为企业贷款、向国际金融机构争取贷款、向中央争取国债转贷、利用地方政府信用融资等。
With regard to protect normal financial system and fight with crime, there is a crime of defrauding a financial institution of loans in our criminal law. 为维护国家正常的金融秩序,打击金融业务犯罪活动,刑法设立了贷款诈骗罪。
A Research on the Financial Management of Loans at Universities 试论高校贷款的财务管理
From year 2003, Chinese economic growth is rising rapidly, and fixed assets are increasing sharply as well as money supply and financial loans. 2003年以来我国经济增长保持快速发展趋势,固定资产投资和货币供应量及金融机构贷款增长迅猛。
So we should regulate that the unit also could commit crime of defrauding a financial institution of loans. 因此在贷款诈骗罪的犯罪主体应当包括单位。
Stiff financial loans; 金融贷款生硬;
But criminal law do not regulate that when a unit commit a crime of defrauding a financial institution of loans, how should we do. 但是我国贷款诈骗罪并未将单位纳入犯罪主体,这将不利于在当今社会国家对金融犯罪的打击。
The information asymmetry problems of rural areas 'financial market need small loans to resolve. 农村地区金融市场的信息不对称问题要求用小额贷款来解决。
Stock mortgage loan which is one form of financial assets-mortgage loans faces more credit risk, compared with common loans. 股票质押贷款作为金融资产质押贷款的一种方式,与一般贷款业务相比,其风险点多、管理难度大的特点更加突出。
The conclusion show that the leverage effect of government innovation policy for SMEs innovation takes a long time to emerge; government financial support and loans of financial institutions is interactive and the effect of government financial support on loans of financial institutions stimulate SME innovation. 结论表明:政府创新政策对中小企业创新的杠杆效应需要较长的时间才能显现出来;政府资金投入和金融机构贷款之间相互影响,政府资金投入作用于金融机构贷款刺激了中小企业创新。
The United States have developed multi-level capital markets and a variety of financial institutions providing loans to SMEs, so they have many ways to get funds. 美国拥有发达的、多层次的资本市场,以及各种为中小企业提供贷款的金融机构,因此融资渠道比较广阔。
The survey told that 72.8% of rural households and 69.9% of township enterprises have been non-formal financial loans, of which 90% of the loans took on between relatives and friends. 调查中2006年有72.8%的农户和69.9%的农村中小企业有过非正规金融借贷的行为,其中90%的借贷行为发生在亲友邻里。
Banks often deny the eligibility of medium-sized and small enterprises for financial loans in the light of their credit assessment system which is mainly composed by financial indicators. 银行通常依据以财务指标为主的信用评价体系将众多的中小企业拒之门外。
But most of Quanzhou small and medium-sized enterprise belong to labor-intensive, they are relying on indirect financing the financing channels of financial institutions to loans. 但是泉州绝大多数中小企业都属于劳动密集型,它们进行融资多是依靠间接融资渠道中的金融机构贷款。
Investigation of the efficiency of financial structure size and financial intermediaries, consistent performance trend of the four large regional financial deposits, financial loans. 通过对金融结构、金融规模和金融中介效率的考察,本文发现四个大地区在金融存款、金融贷款等方面表现比较为一致的变化趋势。
This article finds that Further analysis financial markets 'support to non-state-owned sector can realize economic growth by promoting capital accumulation and technical progress, however, the whole level of financial development and policy loans to state-owned enterprises is negative. 进一步分析,本文发现金融市场对非国有独资企业的支持能够通过促进资本积累及技术进步而实现经济增长,但是我国金融整体发展水平以及对国有部门的政策性贷款都无法实现这一积极效应。